Apica Ascent is powered by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and is now available in the Oracle Cloud Marketplace.    Learn More


Store Everything.
At the Lowest Cost.
On Any Object Storage.

Apica’s data lake is built on InstaStore technology, a patented single-tier storage platform that seamlessly integrates with any object storage. It fully indexes incoming data, providing uniform, on-demand, and real-time access to all information. With built-in infinite scalability, there’s no need to initiate or manage another log storage project ever again.


Are you struggling to handle
vast data from complex, distributed systems efficiently?

Data ingestion and integration

Are you effectively ingesting and integrating data from diverse sources?

Data quality and consistency

How do you ensure data quality and consistency across complex systems?

Line chart

Scalability and performance

Can your system scale and maintain performance with increasing data demands?

Data security and compliance

How do you navigate data security and compliance in distributed environments?

Metadata management

Are you efficiently managing metadata to enhance data discoverability and governance?


Cost-effective infrastructure

How do you maintain a cost-effective infrastructure while handling vast data?


We Can Help.
See How.

Centralized data
at scale
data availability
analytics and insights
Support for
diverse data types


Every control.
At your fingertips.

Gain instant access to data at rest

With our unified monitoring solution, you can effortlessly collect and correlate logs, metrics, traces, and packets from all of your systems and applications, providing complete visibility into every aspect of your infrastructure. This enables you to quickly identify and troubleshoot issues, streamline root cause analysis, and improve the overall performance of your systems.

Time Travel. Instantly.

Since InstaStore indexes all your machine data, you can query, retrieve, and replay historical data from any timeframe in an instant. Whether you’re retrieving one log line from several billion or a batch of logs from a year ago, InstaStore gets them ready to be replayed to any target system of choice in real time.

Retain master data from all your data sources

Ingest and store every byte of observability data on InstaStore at object storage prices. InstaStore enables uniform access to unfiltered master data and data optimized for your target systems in real time.

Use built-in forwarders to make master data available in downstream applications for additional context.

Never lose a single byte

The elastic design of InstaStore ensures high storage availability in the most voluminous data environments. InstaStore enables your data pipelines to scale horizontally to handle any unexpected data spikes at endpoints, avoid data backlogs, and prevent data loss at scale.

With InstaStore, you’ll never have leaks in your observability data pipeline.

Limitless Storage. Minus the overhead.

Store ALL of your log data in any object storage as primary data with real-time storage capabilities using InstaStore. With InstaStore, you can get rid of tiering, the complexities it introduces, and the storage operations overheads forever.

Your log data on InstaStore is fully indexed and searchable, mineable, comparable, and replayable to any target system in real-time.

Unlock better compliance at scale.

Unify, store, and secure all your machine data centrally on InstaStore. With object storage at its core, InstaStore enables low-cost longer term retention with superfast querying, real-time access, and extensive auditing and reporting capabilities that enable your company maintain and demonstrate compliance.

With centralized log management, proactive analytics and monitoring, granular reporting and audit trails, and built-in security controls, InstaStore and the Apica platform help you maintain continuous compliance at any scale.

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